A few months ago, we wanted to use our platform to amplify the voices of our amazing POC collaborators as well as promote, champion and celebrate them and their work. ⁠We’ve invited several of our artists who we have worked with before to talk with them about their work, and how they are doing as an artist during this movement of Black Lives Matter. ⁠

First up, we have @_murugiah. We first collaborated with Murugiah on the project with Mosaik Education last year. Murugiah has worked with Apple, Vans, Facebook, Penguin, Disney, amongst many others.⁠


Q: Hi MURUGIAH, can you please tell me a bit about yourself and your creative journey?
I’m an artist. I grew up loving movies and all things pop culture and art! I became an artist in 2012 after finishing an education in Architecture. My work centres around escapism via the dichotomy of my Western birth and upbringing, and my South Asian heritage. I mainly work with clients and companies that I can collaborate with on creating my own artwork for their brands. My personal artwork drives how my commercial work goes.

Q: How are you and has this period changed your outlook on the way you work and if so how would you describe the change in your focus? 
I’m doing ok given the circumstances . Well I was working from a studio away from my home pre lockdown and was thinking about leaving and going back to a work from home situation. Covid helped me make that decision a lot quicker. I prefer working from home; it's very much about being as comfortable as possible! Shoes off, working in pj’s... Don’t get me wrong i’m not a slob when working from home. I have a routine: I go for a run on the treadmill every day. I make sure my diet suits our new lockdown lifestyle.  Work wise, I used the lockdown period to make a lot of new personal work, essentially creating a new style for myself that has gained some good traction. After discovering the new style of work I'm more focused in terms of getting stuff done. 

Q: Where do you get your inspiration from for your creative work? 
Everywhere! But mainly I like to keep the inspiration personal. I am obsessed with pop culture and films and art so there is a vast history there to pull from. I spent seven years training to be an architect so there are references from that part of my personal experience. I am a western born and raised human being with a heritage from the east, so I have lots of inspiration to work from!


Q: Do you feel that you have had challenges regarding race when it came to navigating and progressing in the creative industry? 
There is no doubt in my mind. Look around us! If you look at any ‘best of’ list or special group shows,  the roster of artists are more often than not, White. Although I have never been a victim of discrimination on a direct level, I’m sure without me knowing, decisions get made to not pick me for work or to go with what is familiar on various opportunities. People of colour have difficulties navigating and progressing in any industry the creative industry is no different.

Q: BLM is a huge topic right now and one that we as a business are educating ourselves on further/making changes going forward. Is there anything specific you would like to see change, especially within the creative industry? 
I would like to see campaigns and jobs made by a slew of artists from all walks of life. More recently people of colour are chosen for work specifically because the work speaks to their own cultural identity which is great and should happen more. But even more importantly every other kind of work should be equally dished out to every kind of artist. To those art buyers and art directors if you can’t find those artists that are under represented, look harder and make it a rule that every job you commission is from an artist with a different identity each time.

Q: We’ve got a blog post coming in the next few weeks about some independent black businesses we want to shine some spotlight on. Are there any black creatives you feel our followers should know about? 
Ngadi Smart’s work is fantastic! -
Tyrone Deans is an amazing abstract painter - 
Grace Lynne - 
Kayla Mahaffey work is beautiful! -
Ebi, who just started and runs Desingers of Colour is doing some great work -
Reyna Noriega - 
Kadir Nelson - 
Loveis Wise - 
Ibrahim Buhari is a fantastic Architect - 

Q: Have you got any exciting projects coming up that we should keep our eyes peeled for? 
I am continuing to make personal artworks as much as possible. I have two prints on sale at the moment. 

Herald -

Masqurade -

I am also working on a fun Jigsaw puzzle for a wonderful book publisher in the UK and some officially licensed screen printed alternative film posters for a company in the US. Very exciting!

Murugiah also has an active campaign with us, where you can pre-order his Good Vives t-shirt right now.
You can follow Murugiah over on Instagram


