We caught up with London-based illustrator Sam Taylor to take a closer look at his creative journey, inspirations and his latest exhibition, Drawing From the Heart.

Sam Taylor at his Drawing From The Heart exhibition

Sam Taylor at his Drawing From The Heart exhibition

Tell us about your background - how did your creative journey begin?

I’m originally from Leicester and I live in London. I’ve always drawn for fun, cartoons; Disney, Simpsons, TMNT and also sharks, crocodiles, whatever caught my imagination as a child. Fun, naughty things, like Horrible History books and anything gory from the past always inspired me - it still does really. I drew a lot of battle scenes; Vikings, Hastings, Bosworth etc. I decided to do an art foundation course and then went to Camberwell to study illustration, I’ve been in South London ever since.

How has your creative style developed into what it is now?

My style is more refined now than it was 10 years ago. I’m on a constant mission to boil it down to the essential parts. Sometimes a lot of detail is needed but on other occasions colours or shapes add contrast that makes the whole greater. A few years ago I decided to start using my own colour scheme (about 5-6 colours) and recently I have drawn a lot with markers so the colours are different and there is more texture.

What’s your favourite piece of art/project you’ve worked on so far?

That’s hard because I get really into every project that I do and my aim with everything is to make something I can be proud of. If I had to pick, my t-shirt for Thrasher is a career highlight, as a skateboarder it was a big honour to be asked. I loved doing art for Kurt Vile because I’m a big fan of him. Anything where I’ve been able to travel, like my work with Scooby Doo because I got to go to LA, that was an amazing experience.

Was garment printing always a consideration for your artwork?

Yes it is. It’s just one of the best places to showcase illustration. I’ve always screen printed. We (myself and Kyle Platts) used to hog the studio at Camberwell and do our own printing. I would bulk buy t-shirts and we made our own little ‘brand’ called Earth Pain. We made zines, skate videos and clothing. We didn’t take it too seriously, it wasn’t like we were on The Apprentice or anything. But we had a good time doing it and it helped with learning what works and what doesn’t.

What was the deciding factor in printing with Print Social?

My friend Charlotte Mei did a campaign with you, so I’d seen that, it looked amazing. Then I knew I wanted the t-shirts for Drawing From The Heart to be screened and I knew you guys are experts at that so it seemed like a no brainer. The t-shirt blanks are great quality too. I’m stoked that you wanted to come on board with my show. Thanks again.

What was the focal point of your recent exhibition?

Drawing. Simply put. I’ve had lots of shows before but never have I had an entire show of original pen and paper drawings. I’ve always had prints involved in some way. I hand-draw everything I do for commercial work even if I then colour it online so I thought it would be cool to showcase all of my coloured-in originals in an exhibition. It was rad to see them all together in one space.

Where do you find inspiration?

All over the place. My general interests like skateboarding or films/TV constantly influence me and my work, along with other people’s art from the present and the past. Obviously cartoons like The Simpsons, TMNT, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Ren n Stimpy were important to me when I was a kid and helped form how I draw. My work is a distillation of things I’m interested in at the time. I also get inspiration from drawing, scribbling with no real aim, it’s good to make it happen.

What advice would you give to yourself at the start of your creative journey?

Don’t hold back, try to exhaust themes. If you have an idea try to make it as interesting and weird as possible. I think you can get some amazing results if you get to the edge and then add a little twist. Be open to everything. Do group shows in different countries.

Sam’s campaign, Drawing from the Heart is available for a limited time only. Grab yours here.
